May I share another story with you?
March 17, 2021 | Miles Christi
Greetings during this Holy Season of Lent! I hope you have been enjoying my Lenten updates. Most importantly, I hope they have helped you to grow closer to our Lord this season.
The first week, I sent you an email on the importance of maintaining a focus on Christ during this Lenten Season. Remember: the busier we are the busier we should become with prayer and Holy things.
The photos above are from the Parish Mission at St. Pius, X Parish, a bilingual parish, in Tulsa, OK. The lady that I’m posing with is Teri, a 97-year-old parishioner who not only joined us for the entirety of the Mission, but who also drove herself to the church.
Our topic for the Mission was about making their parish a parish of missionary disciples. There was great fervor amongst all of the Mission attendees, which is so encouraging. As I reflected on the Parish Mission, I could not help but think back to Teri. Teri’s example shows us how we can be a missionary disciple at any age. Everyone is called and personally invited by Christ to make a difference in the world by sharing the Gospel and bringing people to Him. Our Lord is not limited by our age. Our Lord’s only limitations are the ones we place on Him when we do not give Him our yes…
This week, together let us give our Lord a loud, resounding YES by…
1) Go to daily Mass at least 3 extra times this week.
2) Watch our
videos (from Advent) on the Holy Eucharist.
3) PRAY – ask our Lord for the grace of a Eucharistic Awakening. As Teri can attest to, your life will never be the same when you do…
I will be back in touch again soon, and in the meantime, I do hope that you will be able to join us for tonight’s
YouTube Live, as well as
support our Lenten efforts. Thank you in advance for your consideration, and thank you for all that you do on behalf of our Lord’s Church
Fr. John, MC
PS: I was also with these FOCUS Missionaries in Tulsa, OK. Please pray for them as they give our Lord their “Yes!”