Why we should have good knowledge of our Catholic Faith

September 21, 2021 | Miles Christi

September is the month in which young men and women begin or return to their academic activities in colleges and universities. The minds of young students concentrate on learning new things that will be useful to them for their future career.

It is a month in which all of us can ask ourselves, regardless of our age or activities, if we too have a desire to learn more about the science that will be supremely useful to us for our eternal salvation. What is the good of so much human knowledge without the knowledge that saves us? Why not form ourselves better in our holy Catholic faith? How many there are who perish because of vain worldly knowledge and too little care for serving God,” Thomas à Kempis says in the Imitation of Christ. Knowledge of the eternal truths and of the way to Heaven should in and of itself inspire us to set up a good plan of Catholic formation. And if we consider the religious ignorance that surrounds us, and the lies or false truths about the Church that swarm in the mass media, how much greater should be our concern for forming ourselves in the true faith!  Let us resolve to study the contents of our faith in order to counter the constant attacks against the Catholic Church.

We must have a basic understanding of Catholic dogma, of the sacraments, of the moral law concerning marriage and the family, of bioethics. Have you never had a conversation with a non-Catholic friend who knew more Church history than you did? How many Catholics do not know what to answer when a Protestant friend at work maintains that the Virgin Mary was not really a virgin? And Heaven help us if other topics come up, such as women in the priesthood, marriage between homosexuals, priestly celibacy, respect for human life in politics, etc.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church, published in 1982 by John Paul II, has been a very great help in this matter. However, as Card. Ratzinger very frankly noted: “It is one of the books that have sold the most and been read the least.” He added: “Today more than ever it is necessary to have a Catechism.” Let us once again insist that it does no good to own good books if we do not study them, and study them regularly, and with a trustworthy guide.

We all have an obligation to form our consciences and acquire a smart “Catholic nose.” We must know our faith very well, with a deep knowledge based on the official teaching of the Church, on the Magisterium of the popes. This formation should begin, at least, by knowing the Catechism well, and then continue with the reading of good, solid books. Without faithfulness to doctrine we cannot be faithful to the Master. Let us be aware of the gravity of the situation of Catholicism, and act now. Given the crisis of our times, we are pressed by a great necessity: our formation!

Catholic formation is one of the principle apostolates that Miles Christi offers to lay people. Do not delay in benefiting from our Formation Groups, the Spiritual Exercise retreats, monthly Days and Evenings of Recollection, the Conference for Study and Prayer, and many other activities that Miles Christi offers to lay people for a solid Catholic formation!