March: the Month of St. Joseph

March 15, 2021 | Miles Christi

In Miles Christi we want love for the glorious St. Joseph to be rooted in the depths of our hearts. St. Joseph is the patron of our entire Institute and is our “model of the interior life, of perfect fidelity, of prompt and cheerful obedience, of service to Jesus and Mary, and of self-denying diligence” (Constitutions of Miles Christi, 112). March is the month in which he is especially venerated, which providentially coincides with Lent.

The adoptive father of Jesus lived his own Lent. His life was full of joy but also of the Cross. The tradition speaks of seven sorrows of Joseph, which we shall briefly list: 1) when he believed that he had to separate from his Immaculate Spouse; 2) when he saw the Child Jesus born in such poverty; 3) when he was pierced with sorrow to see the blood shed by the Redeemer in His circumcision; 4) when with the prophecy of St. Simeon he learned what Jesus and Mary would have to suffer; 5) when he suffered to provide well for the subsistence of Jesus, particularly during the flight to Egypt; 6) when he returned from Egypt in fear of Archelaus; and 7) when he lost his Son and sought Him without success for three days.

Let us never forget to invoke his intercession for all our needs, as St. Teresa of Avila expressed in her autobiography: “To this glorious Saint—I know by experience—God granted that he may help us in everything.  Besides, our Lord would have us understand that, as He was subject to him upon earth—for St. Joseph having the title of father, and being His guardian, could give him orders—so now in Heaven He grants all his petitions.”  Let us plead insistently before our Glorious Patriarch, that we may be firm in the confession of all of our Catholic faith, “fighting the good fight of the faith” (1 Tim 6: 12).

Have recourse during this entire month to the glorious Patriarch St. Joseph, “who knows how to make possible things that are impossible” (St. Teresa of Jesus), and you will see that your petitions are not left unheard!