Holy Communion, Food of our Soul

June 14, 2021 | Miles Christi

The Holy Church teaches that as bodily food maintains our physical forces, so the Holy Eucharist maintains and develops those of our soul. If we wish to reach Christian perfection, which is sanctity, and to overcome those obstacles which the devil and our concupiscence put in our way, then it is necessary to receive this divine Sacrament “more often still, even daily” (CCC #1389).

“The more we desire to come close to God and live a virtuous life, the more we must expect combat; consequently, we will need more and more strength in order not to be vanquished. However, only the Eucharist can give us sufficient strength to overcome these battles of the Christian life. Prayer and piety soon languish without the Eucharist. The life of piety is nothing but a continual crucifixion of our nature, and, of itself, holds little attraction for us. No one goes out to encounter the Cross unless he feels himself to be sweetly and strongly sustained. Here is a general rule: piety without Communion is lifeless piety.” (St. Peter Julian Eymard, Holy Communion)

Blessed are we when, without merit on our part, we can participate in this divine Banquet which is the Holy Mass! And since we have it so near to us, are we to relegate it to a corner of our Christian life, considering our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament as just another devotion? Holy Communion must be placed in the center of our activities and everything must rotate around it. If we generously examine our daily schedules, surely we will find that it is possible for us to go to Holy Mass a few days during the week. Therefore, let us make the resolution to receive Jesus Christ frequently in the Blessed Sacrament and, as recompense to those who are generous with Him, we will receive the Lord and His gifts.