The crusade in favor of life

January 20, 2021 | Miles Christi

The following are excerpts from an interview with and a conference talk by Most. Rev. Héctor Aguer, Archbishop Emeritus of La Plata, Argentina.

“The cultural situation today is highly complex and contradictory because at the moment in which, seemingly, society as a whole has acquired a very refined sensitivity about human rights and, therefore, also quickly reacts against any intent to violate those rights, it nevertheless produces a curious selection insofar as who the subjects are of those rights which society would support and defend. Thus, today, discrimination is verified in an increasingly widespread manner and sometimes without generating astonishment or apprehension over discriminating against the most defenseless, the most abandoned, those who cannot even utter a word…

“It seems to me at this moment that two fundamental arguments deceptively put forth in the past few months are being spread with undue impunity (impunity in the sense that there are few opposing voices, which quite clearly have access to the media to undo these deceitful arguments).

“The first is the frantic claim of the feminists who brandish the right of the woman to have control over her own body… Even when we grant that the woman has the right to have control over her own body—though no one can do with his own body what he pleases—that isn’t precisely the case here…

“In the case of abortion, the woman does not have control of her own body because the child that is growing in the womb of his mother is not the refuse of the mother’s body… The woman who aborts or intends to abort doesn’t have control over her own body; it is not an act of freedom but an act of arbitrary dominion over someone else other than herself, over another human person, over another ‘I’…

“There has also been another more subtle argument… the one of the alleged ‘right not to be born’… This is a question that begins to be considered today, even retroactively. It considers the parents of the child as subjects or titleholders of that right when, in the light of a prenatal diagnosis, usually quite precise today, it can be foreseen that the child would be born with a malformation or an unfit characteristic.

“Even more, once the law has been enacted, the tricky applications multiply, and amplifying the spectrum, it could be said that an undesired pregnancy could be considered an unfavorable condition… All this shows how low the esteem for human life has reached.

“It is also commonly said that the answer to the problem of abortion is found in promoting contraception… [Moreover] abortion is not generally ruled out once it is seen that contraceptives can indeed fail…

“Indeed, the problem is in how men and women think of themselves and how the source of life is thought of from the perspective of love. In fact, here we need to speak once again about the sixth and the ninth commandments. That is the bottom line. AND NO ONE WANTS TO SPEAK ABOUT THAT. There is no talk about that even in catechesis, in homilies, in Catholic schools…” 

Facing the continuous attacks on the family and on unborn children, Miles Christi joins the crusade in favor of life, repeating the constant exhortations of the most recent popes, defending human existence from the first moment of conception, fighting against abortion, firmly condemning contraception, and defending the traditional Christian family, born and raised according to the principles of the Gospel. We raise our voice against the enemy of the Faith and of natural moral law that is constantly gaining ground in our country.